Extended Length Antegrade Cardioplegia Cannula: Solutions for Minimally Invasive Techniques
The most widely used method of delivering cardioplegia to the myocardium is via antegrade cardioplegia cannulae. Minimally invasive techniques, with emphasis [...]
Study Confirms Reliability of Routine On-Pump Multivessel MICS CABG
As cardiovascular surgeons embrace the difficulty of minimally invasive techniques, the innovative Delacroix-Chevalier MICS CABG platform empowers their [...]
Fitting the Operation to the Patient for CABG Procedures
Surgeons who are versatile in both on-pump and off-pump CABG techniques offer their patients the best outcomes by performing the procedure that best suits [...]
Experts Release Recommendations on the Safe Reintroduction of CV Services During COVID-19
Joint recommendations from three major resources highlight the expectations of the reintroduction of cardiovascular services following COVID-19.
Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons Can Improve Posterior Pericardial Drainage
Thorough drainage of blood from around the heart is necessary during and after cardiac surgery to prevent complications such as pleural effusion, cardiac [...]
Avoiding Complications Due to Low Blood Flow Rates in Femoral Catheters
Every patient responds differently to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and has unique requirements depending on their body composition. One thing that cannot be [...]
Will Younger Cardiac Surgery Patients Lead to an Increase in MICS?
A recent study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that Myocardial Infarction (MI) is increasing in prevalence among young [...]
What Devices Do You Need to Enhance CABG Procedures?
Cardiothoracic surgeons perform approximately 300,000 open heart surgeries annually, the majority of which being Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) [...]