Multicenter Analysis of Using the Redax Coaxial Drain Following Lung Resection
A summary of the multicenter analysis of the efficacy and safety in using the Redax Coaxial Drain following lung resection
Summary of Dr. Mueller ESTS Lubiana 2018 Poster on Redax Coaxial Thoracic Drain Performance
A clinical study concludes the Redax Coaxial thoracic drain has a lower incidence of drain occlusion and results in shorter chest tube duration than [...]
Independent Clinical Report Highlights Effectiveness of Redax Coaxial Drain in a Case with Unexpected Major Bleeding
Dr. Shingo Ouchi released a clinical report detailing how the Coaxial Drain helped avoid cardiac tamponade when unexpected major bleeding occurred during a [...]
Study Concludes the Coaxial Thoracic Drain Contributes to Improving Postoperative Recovery
Dr. Tadaaki Koyama, Director of Cardiovascular Surgery at Kobe City Medical Centre General Hospital in Japan, presented his findings of the clinical benefits [...]