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  • Pre-Clinical Study: Redax Coaxial Drain is Superior to Standard Chest Tubes

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    Pre-Clinical Study: Redax Coaxial Drain is Superior to Standard Chest Tubes

    MED Alliance Solutions recently began offering the Redax Coaxial Drain. This unique and innovative thoracic catheter offers two functions in one: removal of bodily fluid and air from the pleura due to its outer fluted design and inner lumen with distal perforations.

    A recent pre-clinical study conducted by the Thoracic Surgery Unit at the University of Eastern Piedmont, AOU Maggiore della Carità Novara in Italy concluded, the “Redax Coaxial Drain is safe and efficient in air-leak and fluid evacuation; due to its design and constituting material it is superior to standard chest tubes in terms of fluid evacuation rate and patient post-operative comfort.”

    In addition, the Redax Coaxial provides a direct high-flow transition which maintains catheter patency and enhances flow performance.

    The study reported, the “Redax Coaxial Drain was never found to be occluded by thrombus or fibrin clots at removal whereas 5.8% of cases occurred in the group of the standard chest drain; its material and tube design are demonstrated efficient to prevent tube occlusion even when a large amount of fluid had to be expelled.”

    Patient satisfaction and comfort are enhanced due to the softness of its silicone construction and only one insertion site. The study concluded, “The flexible and soft material of the new drain seemed to be responsible of a lower mean VAS score reported during the entire chest drain permanence when compared to standard.”

    MED Alliance Solutions is proud to represent, Redax, an Italian manufacturer of silicone thoracic catheters, as the company launches its products in the United States. MED Alliance Solutions is the exclusive distributor of Redax in the United States.

    MED Alliance Solutions is dedicated to partnering with manufacturers offering high quality, cost-effective and innovative medical devices that improve patient care. We are delighted to add Redax to our portfolio of manufacturing partners.

    View the clinical study here.

    MED Alliance Solutions is a medical device distributor that has been dedicated to meeting the needs of our clinical customers and manufacturing partners since 2007. We specialize in the sales, marketing, importation, logistics and distribution of innovative, high-quality and cost-effective cardiovascular and cardiothoracic medical devices on a national basis.

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    Sycamore, IL 60178

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    PHONE: 630-443-7070

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