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  • Efficiently Monitor and Manage Post-Operative Drainage

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    Efficiently Monitor and Manage Post-Operative Drainage

    silicone reservoir bulb and bagPost-operative drainage is a vital step after cardiothoracic surgery. Cardiothoracic surgeons depend on proper drainage to prevent patient complications such as pericardial effusion and pleural effusion which may lead to additional interventional surgery. Redax offers a complete range of drainage solutions in addition to the most innovative technologies in drain design to enhance clinical performance in flow, patency and patient comfort. This coupled with exclusive designs in the collection system enable a more efficient way to monitor and manage post-operative drainage.

    While competitive drainage reservoirs offer limited sizes, less drainage capacity and compatibility, the DRENTECH Silicone Reservoir and unique Closed Reservoir System increase drainage capacity and enhances patient and clinician safety from contamination through the “closed system” design and anti-reflex valves. The bulbs are constructed of silicone for drainage visibility and measurement.

    Closed System

    The Redax DRENTECH Reservoir proprietary closed system features an additional bag that can be securely connected via a closed system to allow for continuous drainage. Unlike other closed wound systems, patients and clinicians will not be exposed to biological hazards when disposing of body fluids. Rather than emptying the full bag into a measuring device and increasing the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, users only change the drainage bag and activate the bulb evacuator.

    Anti-Reflux Valves

    The internal anti-reflex valve on the reservoir prevents backflow of fluid and air for patient safety, while the valve on the collection bag helps clinicians avoid fluid leakage and contamination. The dual inlet ports on the 200 ml and 400 ml reservoirs also allow for the connection of two drains without a Y-connector – something that is necessary in around 50% of surgical procedures.

    Silicone Construction

    The bulb shape and clear silicone construction enhance the clinician’s ability to measure and identify the fluid type, making it easier to manage the post-operative drainage. The silicone construction also allows for continuous suction, which minimizes tissue trauma, reduces the risk of bruising and thus increases patient satisfaction.

    The Redax DRENTECH Silicone Reservoir and Closed System is a versatile and compatible product created to enhance efficient drainage, safety and patient satisfaction. To learn more about the DRENTECH proprietary closed system or the other drainage solutions from Redax, call 888-891-1200 or email us to be connected to your local sales representative.

    MED Alliance Solutions is a medical device distributor specializing in the importation, sales, marketing, logistics and distribution of cost-effective and innovative cardiac medical devices throughout the US.

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    MED Alliance Solutions
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

    TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

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