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  • St Louis Cardiac Surgical Instruments

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    St Louis Cardiac Surgical Instruments

    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    kardia spiral
    Redax Kardia Spiral Thoracic Catheter
    Redax Coaxial Drain
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Surge Suture Guides
    Surge Suture Guides

    Surgical Instruments | Contact Us

    MED Alliance Solutions is a proud certified medical device distributor of cardiothoracic surgical instruments, cardiac surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments to hospitals and other surgical facilities. We are dedicated to providing high-quality cardiac surgical devices. We provide clinical support and education for the cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments we supply. Many MED Alliance customers value our training with cardiac surgical instruments and cardiothoracic surgical instruments. We invite your St Louis hospital to partner with us.

    St Louis Cardiac Surgical Devices

    MED Alliance distributes cardiac surgical instruments from trusted name brand manufacturers. St Louis, Missouri is the most significant economic and cultural center in the state with a population of 315,685. This independent city lies on the western bank of the Mississippi River and is famous for the St. Louis Arch, and the city has been nicknamed “Rome of the West.” We deliver orders to St. Louis on time so you can have the trusted cardiovascular surgical devices and cardiothoracic surgical instruments you need. MED Alliance is a cost-effective way to get the cardiac surgical devices you use. We continue to put our customers first, and we focus on creating partnerships built on trust and transparency.

    St Louis Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments

    Our success as a cardiac surgical instruments distributor is partly due to the relationships we develop with our customers. MED Alliance goes above and beyond for the satisfaction of customers who count on us for reliable cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments. We distribute innovative high-quality cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments that you can depend on when you need them most. MED Alliance sells reliable cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments that assist surgeons in saving lives. Call MED Alliance Solutions at (888) 891-1200 to place your order for cardiac surgical instruments.

    St Louis Cardiac Surgical Instruments | St Louis Cardiac Surgical Devices | St Louis Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments | St Louis Cardiothoracic Surgical Instruments | St Louis Thoracic Surgical Instruments | St Louis Vascular Surgical Devices
  • Contact Information

    MED Alliance Solutions
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

    TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2023 Med Alliance Solutions, LLC REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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