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  • Seattle Cardiac Surgical Instruments

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    Seattle Cardiac Surgical Instruments

    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    kardia spiral
    Redax Kardia Spiral Thoracic Catheter
    Redax Coaxial Drain
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Surge Suture Guides
    Surge Suture Guides

    Surgical Instruments | Contact Us

    MED Alliance Solutions, LLC. distributes thoracic surgical instruments, cardiac surgical instruments and vascular surgical devices across the country. We are a certified medical device distributor that provides quality cardiac surgical devices to clinicians who deal with the reality of reduced health daily. MED Alliance will assist with the clinical aspects of vascular surgical devices, thoracic surgical instruments, and cardiac surgical devices. Our professional representatives are available to educate clinicians regarding the cardiothoracic surgical instruments we supply. Our specialty trained sales reps provide education, training, and support on all of the cardiac surgical tools we sell. Many MED Alliance clients in Seattle appreciate the help when it comes to cardiovascular surgical instruments and cardiothoracic surgical instruments.

    Seattle Cardiac Surgical Devices

    MED Alliance deals with trusted name brand manufacturers who offer innovative, high-quality cardiothoracic surgical instruments, vascular surgical devices, and cardiac surgical instruments. Seattle, Washington is a west coast seaport city and the county seat for King County. Seattle is the state’s largest city with 704,352 residents. Seattle’s nickname is ‘Emerald City,’ and its motto reads, “The City of Goodwill.” MED Alliance provides trusted cardiovascular surgical devices and thoracic surgical instruments that help save lives across America. Partnering with MED Alliance means getting cost-effective and high-quality cardiac surgical devices every time.

    Seattle Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments

    In 2007, we set out to create meaningful partnerships that were marked by transparency which has become the centerpiece of our success as a cardiac surgical device distributor. Today MED Alliance seeks the satisfaction of customers who use our reputable team to acquire thoracic surgical instruments and vascular surgical devices. We distribute innovative high-quality cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments that are dependable. MED Alliance sells cardiothoracic surgical instruments and vascular surgical devices to help clinical facilities keep up with the demand for cardiac surgical devices. If you have any questions call MED Alliance Solutions, LLC. today at (888) 891-1200 to speak with one of our experienced representatives.

    Seattle Cardiac Surgical Instruments | Seattle Cardiac Surgical Devices | Seattle Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments | Seattle Cardiothoracic Surgical Instruments | Seattle Thoracic Surgical Instruments | Seattle Vascular Surgical Devices
  • Contact Information

    MED Alliance Solutions
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

    TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2023 Med Alliance Solutions, LLC REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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