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  • How Many Heart Surgeries Are Performed Each Year?

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    How Many Heart Surgeries Are Performed Each Year?

    Few surgeries are as nerve-wracking and intricate as heart surgery. Although patients may feel uneasy or anxious going into their procedure, cardiothoracic surgeries are more common than most think. To one of the estimated 4,000 cardiothoracic surgeons practicing as of 2015, it’s just another day on the job.¹

    Whether a cardiopulmonary artery bypass graft, a heart valve repair or replacement, or arrhythmia treatment, the United States is host to thousands of heart surgeries every day. About 500,000 coronary bypass procedures are performed every year.² Some research indicates the number of heart surgeries is expected to increase by 54% over the next 15 years.³

    MED Alliance Solutions supplies many of the tools surgeons need to safely perform these life-saving procedures. Whether they need Delacroix-Chevalier’s superior instruments to cut and handle delicate tissues, Surge Cardiovascular’s cost-effective cannulas, or Redax’s innovative thoracic catheters, we have solutions to make cardiothoracic surgeries possible.

    MED Alliance Solutions, LLC is a medical device distributor with more than 350 years of combined medical device sales and distribution experience. Dedicated to meeting the needs of its clinical customers and manufacturing partners, MED Alliance offers cost-effective, customized sales, logistics, and distribution solutions.

    If you would like to learn more about the quality medical devices offered through MED Alliance, email [email protected] or call 888-891-1200 to be connected to the appropriate representative.

    1. Williams TE, Sun B, Ross P, Thomas AM. A formidable task: Population analysis predicts a deficit of 2000 cardiothoracic surgeons by 2030. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;139:835-40; discussion 840–1.
    2. (August 2016). A Heart Surgery Overview. Retrieved from http://www.texasheart.org/HIC/Topics/Proced/
    3. American Association for Thoracic Surgery. “Critical shortage of cardiothoracic surgeons anticipated by 2035: Researchers urge steps be taken now to train more surgeons to meet burgeoning future needs.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 May 2016. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160517120520.htm>.
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