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  • Detroit Cardiac Surgical Instruments

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    Detroit Cardiac Surgical Instruments

    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    kardia spiral
    Redax Kardia Spiral Thoracic Catheter
    Redax Coaxial Drain
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Surge Suture Guides
    Surge Suture Guides

    Surgical Instruments | Contact Us

    Since 2007, MED Alliance Solutions, LLC. has been distributing beneficial and effective thoracic surgical devices and vascular surgical devices. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clinical partners. We deliver cost-effective cardiac surgical instruments to clinical customers. Being a certified cardiac surgical device distributor, allows us to offer thoracic surgical instruments, cardiac surgical instruments and vascular surgical devices throughout the U.S. MED Alliance representatives have a thorough knowledge of the clinical aspects of vascular surgical devices, thoracic surgical instruments, and cardiac surgical devices. We provide personal care along with clinical education, training and support of the cardiac surgical instruments. MED Alliance partners can confirm to Detroit hospitals and clinics that we offer transparency and reliability.

    Detroit Cardiac Surgical Devices

    Detroit, Michigan is the largest city on the border of U.S. and Canada and is the seat of Wayne County. The 677,116 residents make Detroit the 21st most populous city in the U.S. Detroit is rich in cultural and diversity and has had tremendous influence in the music and automobile industry. MED Alliance offers trusted vascular surgical devices, cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiac surgical devices to hospitals and surgeons across America. MED Alliance delivered over 11,000 cardiothoracic surgical instruments and vascular surgical devices in 2017. MED Alliance’s innovative cardiovascular surgical devices and thoracic surgical instruments are effective.

    Detroit Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments

    MED Alliance knows our success is built on our partnerships centered on transparency and trust. Start ordering the surgical instruments, thoracic surgical instruments and vascular surgical devices along with cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments that are cost-effective. MED Alliance provides training on cardiothoracic surgical instruments and vascular surgical devices. If you prefer cardiac surgical devices from name brand manufacturers then give us a call. You can browse our cardiac surgical devices online. MED Alliance Solutions, LLC. is looking forward to serving you. Feel free to call (888) 891-1200 if you have any questions regarding our cardiothoracic surgical instruments or cardiovascular surgical instruments.

    Detroit Cardiac Surgical Instruments | Detroit Cardiac Surgical Devices | Detroit Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments | Detroit Cardiothoracic Surgical Instruments | Detroit Thoracic Surgical Instruments | Detroit Vascular Surgical Devices
  • Contact Information

    MED Alliance Solutions
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

    TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2023 Med Alliance Solutions, LLC REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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