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  • Cincinnati Cardiac Surgical Instruments

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    Cincinnati Cardiac Surgical Instruments

    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    Surge PEAK Left Heart Vent Cannula
    kardia spiral
    Redax Kardia Spiral Thoracic Catheter
    Redax Coaxial Drain
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Alpine Femoral Venous Catheter
    Surge Suture Guides
    Surge Suture Guides

    Surgical Instruments | Contact Us

    MED Alliance Solutions is a certified medical device distributor that looks out for the best interest of our clinical customers. We offer cost-effective cardiac surgical devices that are shown to reduce healing time and pain. It’s important to us that we build strong clinical relationships and continue to provide quality cardiac surgical devices, cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments to our clinical partners. MED Alliance wants to partner with hospitals and surgical facilities in Cincinnati to offer innovative cardiac surgical instruments that are important to continue surgical success.

    Cincinnati Cardiac Surgical Devices

    Cincinnati is known as the “Paris of America” because it’s a romantic and historically architectural city. Cincinnati is also home to the oldest zoo in America and has a population of 301,301. Since 2007 MED Alliance has been a certified cardiac surgical device distributor that takes pride in offering reliable cardiothoracic surgical instruments, cardiac surgical instruments, and cardiovascular surgical instruments. MED Alliance allows surgical facilities and hospitals access to high-quality cardiothoracic surgical instruments, cardiovascular surgical instruments and cardiac surgical instruments at cost-effective pricing.

    Cincinnati Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments

    MED Alliance’s specialty-trained representatives provide education and training on the high- quality cardiothoracic surgical instruments and cardiovascular surgical instruments we offer. We assure accurate orders and dependable cardiac surgical instruments, cardiovascular surgical instruments, and cardiothoracic surgical instruments. MED Alliance Solutions realizes the needs of our clinical customers, and we make every effort to support the hospitals and surgical facilities we serve with innovative cardiac surgical devices. Feel free to call our team with any questions about our cardiac surgical instruments at (888) 891-1200.

    Cincinnati Cardiac Surgical Instruments | Cincinnati Cardiac Surgical Devices | Cincinnati Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments | Cincinnati Cardiothoracic Surgical Instruments | Cincinnati Thoracic Surgical Instruments | Cincinnati Vascular Surgical Devices
  • Contact Information

    MED Alliance Solutions
    2175 Oakland Drive
    Sycamore, IL 60178

    TOLL FREE: 888-891-1200
    PHONE: 630-443-7070

  • Copyright © 2023 Med Alliance Solutions, LLC REP LOGIN PROUD MEMBER OF IMDA

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