Hidden Heroes – The Warehouse Team
Customer service is at the forefront of MED Alliance. But who ensures all those products are organized, picked, and boxed, labeled and ready to ship? Enter our diligent warehouse staff. They may be behind the scenes, but their work certainly does not go unnoticed.
The warehouse team is responsible for managing inventory, organizing products into our First In/First Out (FIFO) system, picking the orders for our customers, boxing the
products appropriately, labeling them correctly, and getting the orders out by 5pm each day.
Our team has varied levels of experience. Our Warehouse Manager, Mason Graham, has been with MED Alliance for a year and a half. His main goal is to ensure all orders received by 2pm are shipped that same day. He also manages warehouse supplies so the team always has what they need to get shipments out.
Throughout the day, the team accepts deliveries, processes the new inventory into the operations software system and organizes the products onto the shelves. They also ensure the warehouse is kept clean and organized to comply with our quality standards.
Warren Rhodes, a member of our warehouse staff, has worked with MED Alliance since 2001. As a retired Assistant Administrator at Northwestern Central DuPage Hospital, Warren was responsible for ordering medical devices. He says one of his favorite parts of the job is shipping orders to hospitals he is familiar with and being on the other side of the industry. He also enjoys seeing the new products that are developed and implementing those products into our warehouse. His main duties are to weigh and measure the size of the boxes to determine the most cost-effective and time-efficient shipping methods.
Austin Culton, who began as a college intern, has been with the company for just over a year. Austin enjoys checking in new products as they are delivered and stocking the shelves correctly. He especially enjoys the challenge when our bigger manufacturers send large quantities at one time. Every product has a designated shelf space that is stocked according to the date it was received. This is vital to guaranteeing our customers get the most life out of our products.
The warehouse team runs like a well-oiled machine – each member of the team makes sure our customers get the products they need, when they need them. Without these hidden heroes, MED Alliance could not sustain the business it does today.